DAITO Corporation operates in faith, with justice and high transparency, and also aims for sustainable improvement of society.

While DAITO Corporation places an emphasis on relations with stakeholders such as customers, employees, clients, and local community, it seeks to be a corporation with trust from the society. Therefore, we operate in faith, with justice and high transparency. Furthermore, the company places certified professionals as a basis of the organization to aim for sustainable growth, and to develop a company that provides safety. Moreover, as a company that is faithful to the Green Procurement Policy to put safety of life and compliance as top priority, we contribute to develop constantly in consonance with environment and the local community.


●Sustainability Basic Philosophy
As we recognize that global environmental conservation, such as global warming becoming increasingly serious and depletion of underground resources, is an important issue commonly to every mankind, we promote proper disposal of industrial waste. In order to preserve the living environment and reduce the environmental burden of the project, each and every person will voluntarily and positively engage in global environmental conservation activities.
1.We will comply with environmental laws and related laws and regulations.
2.We will save electricity, fuel, and water resources, and strive to reduce energy.
3.We will reduce own waste, and contribute to the formation of a recycling-oriented society.
4.We promote green purchasing of equipment, and office supplies, etc.
5.We tackle to environmentally friendly business.


●Efforts towards environmental protection
The group was certified as “Eco Action 21” on May 2nd 2013.
【What is Eco Action 21 Certification / Registration System】
To establish a wide range of SMEs, schools, public institutions, etc. “establish, operate and maintain a system that effectively and efficiently carries out environmental efforts, and also to have environmental targets, act, compile results, evaluate, and report “. This is a certification / registration system for businesses based on the “Eco Action 21 Guidelines” formulated by the Ministry of the Environment.

[Eco Action 21 Central Office Bureau Home Page]



<Participation in illegal disposal monitoring patrol>
As a member of the Ibaraki Prefecture Industrial Waste Association, we conduct U.D. surveillance patrol activities and are working on environmental preservation activities.

<Participate in illegal dumping and removal volunteering activities>
As a member of the Ibaraki Prefecture Industrial Waste Association Prefecture South Branch, we participate in annual environmental beautification activities.


●Upon disaster such as earthquake, we have prepared an emergency volunteer system to respond quickly to the restoration of lifeline.
<Volunteering activities for recovery of the Great East Japan Earthquake>
2011.3.12 We investigated the condition of pipeline inside and neighbors of Itako city.


●As consideration for neighboring residents, we actively participate in the town business from day to day, and we hold meetings with locals and youth department managers to interact with each other.