Company Profile

Our motto is to preserve the city function and to create the favorable environment.

The company, with Daitoh Seiun Corporation being a parent organization, was established in 1974 along with a project to reconstruct Tsukuba city. Outstanding technicians provide the service focuses on sewer maintenance (sewer cleaning, sewer internal inspection, sewer inner surface repairing, grouting and water-stop construction, pipe renovation work), cleaning business (side ditch cleaning, drainage pit cleaning, water tank cleaning, industrial waste disposal transportation), and construction related work (public works, plumbing, etc.) with the latest equipment to handle any matters.

  • Company Information

    Trade Name: DAITO CO., LTD.
    Establishment: December 24th 1974
    Capital: 10,000,000 yen
    President and CEO: Mari Hori
    Location of Head Office: 893-2 Kaneda Tsukuba city, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL +81-29-857-5800
    Kashiwa Branch Office: 1059-202 Takada Kashiwa city, Chiba JAPAN TEL:+81-471-37-7102
    Tsukubamirai Service Office: 34-113 Inahigashi Tsukubamirai city, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL:+81-297-58-5057
    Tsuchiura Service Office: 1-5-23 Shimotakatsu Tsuchiura city, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL:+81-29-826-6455
    Ami Service Office: 1-11-3 Okazaki Ami-machi Inasgiki-gun, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL:+81-29-887-8700
    Toride Service Office: 4-10-27 Togashira Toride city, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL:+81-297-78-5158
    Moriya Service Office: 1-7-4 Misono Moriya city, Ibaraki JAPAN TEL:+81-297-45-9775

    Nnumbers of employees: 8 technicians, 2 clerical staffs, and 6 workers

  • Objectives

    1)Maintenance management of air conditioning system and Raising and Lowering Equipment.
    2)Maintenance management of sanitary facility and sewer system
    3)Maintenance management of disaster prevention system and air quality control equipment
    4)Planning and execution of plumbing
    5)Planning and execution of dredging work
    6)Planning and execution of sewer facilities
    7)Planning and executions of General civil engineering, scaffolding, earthwork, pavement construction, and landscaping work
    8)Constructions of electrical and pump installation
    9)Planning and execution of kitchen unit
    10)Planning, executions, and inspections of sanitary facility and sewer system
    11)Planning and execution of air pollution control system and disaster prevention system
    12)Planning and execution of Interior finishing
    13)Planning and execution of telecommunication
    14)Business related to collecting and transporting general waste and industrial waste
    15)Sales and recycling for Styrofoam and the regenerated articles
    16)The buying and selling, and consignment sale of Antique dealer

  • Major Banks

    JOYO BANK Tsuchiura Branch
    TSUKUBA BANK Nakane Branch
    MITO SHINKIN BANK Kenkyu-gakuen Branch

  • Corporate History

    The company, with Daitoh Seiun Corporation being a parent organization, was established in 1974 along with a project to reconstruct Tsukuba city. Outstanding technicians provide the services focus on sewer maintenance (sewer cleaning, sewer internal inspection, sewer inner surface repairing, grouting and water-stop construction, pipe renovation work), cleaning business (side ditch cleaning, drainage pit cleaning, water tank cleaning, industrial waste disposal transportation), and construction related work (public works, plumbing, etc.) with the latest equipment to handle any matters.

  • Business Areas

    1.Sewer and side ditch cleaning
    2.Sewer internal inspection and repairing
    3.Sewage and pipe renovation
    4.Dredging works for lakes and marshes
    5.Various bilge pit cleaning
    6.Transportation of construction sludge
    7.Water tank maintenance management
    8.Water supply and sewer work, and air conditioning installation
    9.Engineering works
    10.Interior finishing
    12.Building maintenance
    13.Industrial waste transportation
    14.Environment maintenance operation

  • License and Certificates

    1.Construction business license
    2.Business license for cleaning drinking water storage tank
    3.Business license for cleaning drainpipes

  • Equipment

    (Owned facilities and machineries for business)
    A high-pressure washing truck
    An ultra high-pressure washing truck
    2 powerful vacuum trucks
    A large powerful vacuum truck
    A water wagon
    An inspection camera system car (small diameter)
    An inspection camera system car (large diameter)
    An inspection camera system car (for agricultural use)
    2 inspection camera systems (Lateral brunch pipes)
    A working vehicle (Lateral brunch pipe and pipe inner surface repairing)
    A working vehicle (Cement and grout injection machine)
    A manhole lining equipment
    A sewer and brunch lining equipment
    A smoke feeding measuring equipment
    A delivery truck

  • Associations
  • Major Clients

    1.National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
    2.National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
    3.Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
    4.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
    5.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology- Japan, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
    6.Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat Tsukuba University-Industry Collaboration Support Center
    7.National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM)
    8.Public Works Research Institute
    9.Building Research Institute
    10.Forest Research and Management Organization
    11.Ocean Policy Research Institute
    12.Japan Racing Association, Miura Training Center
    13.The University of Tsukuba
    14.Tsukuba University of Technology
    15.Ibaraki Prefectural Government Public Enterprise Bureau